Truly Nude
Yep, here’s that truly nude palette you all have been requesting! For all of my nude eyeshadow lovers, this is for you! 😍💗😍 I used the colors Timid, Gentle, Astute and Gullible. You can snag them here. Using 3 matte colors (meaning no shimmer) and one metallic color (shimmer- Gentle) Gives great depth but also a very natural finish. The key to eyeshadow is to emphasize the natural beautiful shape of your eye whilst bringing out your eye color. Nude browns look beautiful on every eye color. Using a more golden metallic as your one shimmer shadow would be best for green, hazel and blue eyes. The gold will bring out the yellow in the green eyes and make the blue eyes stand out better. For Blue, Hazel and Green eyes Gentle is a more silver/taupe/pink which might darken your eyes a bit, so using Alive, Manipulative or Fanatical would be best instead of Gentle. Gentle is perfect for brown or dark eyes.

Don't forget that this month’s Kudos gets you this palette (or any palette) plus a Splash Liquid Lipstick AND an Epic Mascara at 30% savings 💪🏼👌🏼😘! #yourewelcome Email me if you want to know what colors are in this palette!