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The Mom Life Makeup

Mom life is seriously the best life. These little people drive me all sorts of insane all day. So much so that sometimes I don’t even know how I’m going to survive the next hour until bedtime, but somehow after being away from them for one day, I miss their presence and I miss their craziness!! 

As moms, we get all caught up in those crazy moments. The ones when our kids are screaming at the top of their lungs just to annoy the crap out of us! You know those wonderful moments?! Then we take two seconds to snap that sweet picture above and it captures the best in all of us. It makes me realize that sometimes I need to stop rushing around and just breath. Look around and enjoy that sweet little smile and those cute pants on backwards! 

Anywho, back to makeup. Because that’s why you’re reading this anyways, right? I chose a soft look for a quick play date and to feel put together. Makeup is my confidence and my energy!! I created a custom palette from this month’s kudos using Pressed Shadows in Manipulative, Optimistic, Timid and Gullible plus Epic Mascara. I skipped the eyeliner to soften the look even more and added our warm nude Splash Liquid Lipstick in Sublime. Of course I used the Touch Liquid Foundation for an Easy, fast and out the door look! 

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