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Clean Skin and Lipstick that Lasts

Are you getting the most out of your cleanser?

One thing I’ve learned from my esthetician is to massage your cleanser in gently but thoroughly. I massage in circular motions for about 30 seconds every night. I do it basically until I can feel the jojoba beads in my cleanser cleaning and moisturizing my skin.

Make sure you are removing ALL of that makeup, excess oil and toxins each night. I highly recommend the Pore Purifying Cleanser for nightly use and the Moisture Boosting Cleanser for your morning routine. My skin has never looked better and been more clean!

Duet Lipstick

This new Duet lipstick is BY FAR the answer to your long-lasting lipstick dreams! It doesn’t wear off in certain places like most lipsticks do! It seriously LASTED Killian’s entire party yesterday with ZERO touch ups! I was prepared for every photo without a doubt! 👌🏼👌🏼😍

This is “Hitting It Off” and it’s the perfect hot pink for summer. 💗

AND Madeline Salamon is rockin’ our Opulence lipstick in Prodigal PLUS our Epic Mascara en route to a 90’s party following Killian’s bday party!

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